How To Be Prepared for New Employees

You finally found the perfect addition to the team, and they said “Yes!”  You breathe a sigh of relief and mentally move on to the next priority.  Suddenly, your new employee is in your office excited to start their new job.  On-boarding!  Was that today?  Organization and pre-planning can go a long way in avoiding this situation.  Following are some ideas that you may find helpful and keep you on top of on-boarding.

Create a checklist.  List out the different classifications of employees and what materials they need to on-board (I-9, W-4, local tax forms, ACA requirements, worker’s compensation information, payroll, employee handbook, employee data sheet, benefits package, business cards, training manuals, etc.).

Pre-stage documents.  Organize all the documents that you identified in the previous list in folders on your computer so you only need to go to one place to print them out.

Stay up-to-date.  Make sure to save new versions of documents to your pre-staging area right away so the on-boarding materials are always current.

Don’t wait.  Prepare the on-boarding packet as soon as the employee accepts, while it is still top of mind.

It can still be overwhelming to get all of this information printed in an attractive and easy to use format.  We can help!  Not only can we print all of this for you, we can organize your new hire packet in a binder or folder and have it delivered wherever you need it – whenever you need it.

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